Welcome to BurgerBum

If you're here to learn about Madagascar, here's pictures and commentary from my one month sabbatical there.

By popular demand, here's my Costco diet. Yes, you will lose weight.

It took me twenty minutes to figure how to pipe STDERR through a command and leave the output still on STDERR, so here's how to do it under bash.

I couldn't find a V&H class for python, so I wrote one. If you need it, please feel free to use it.

My thoughts on Borange, the only word in the English language which rhymes with Orange.
A little song for young network engineers: And more substantively, here's an IP Calculator.
As requested by coworker Brian Glover, here's a fragment of my stageplay, The Twelve Days of Programming with massive appologies to bardly Bill Shakespeare. To those who object, I refer you back to Brian, for I conformed to the parameters of his task.

Sorry, you can no longer get Networking for English Majors at Target and at Amazon.com -- I've decided to stop selling it, as the economy has changed so much that some of the advice in the book is now not correct. Small ISPs are largely a thing of the past. Most of the book is still current and correct, but the job path I describe is not such a clear and obvious way to get in the professional world, anymore. Welcome to a world where everyone has a cable-modem.